equivant Supervision exists to support our community supervision and corrections customers in assessing and managing individuals in the community through the software we provide, the people we employ, and the practices we enable.
From validated assessments and a library of alternative screenings to automated case planning, detailed reporting, and seamless data interfaces, each of our solutions have been developed and enhanced by in-house senior software developers and experienced practitioners who understand the demand of high caseloads and the goals of client rehabilitation and reduced recidivism.

With an equivant Supervision solution, you can:
- Assess thousands of clients appropriately and accurately across a staff of dozens or even hundreds of officers
- Manage your agency’s workflow to support the supervision and case management of clients
- Provide tools for your staff to guide clients along effective case plans
- Ensure both administrators and staff can easily access the right information, at the right time, to make informed decisions
- Mitigate risk
- Report on a myriad of data points reliably
- Provide your stakeholders transparency through relevant data
Our Supervision Solutions Impact:
- Probation/Parole Officers
- Case Managers
- Supervisors
- Administrators
- Justice-Involved Individuals
- Treatment Providers