EBP: Back to Basics

EBP: Back to Basics

If you’re like many of our clients, you spend so much time elbow-deep in evidence-based practice (EBP) that when it comes time to train a new team member or refresh your processes, it’s hard to separate the theory from the practice.

Let’s get back to basics. We’ve compiled a primer on key topics related to EBP to help you reconnect with your mission and reinvigorate your practice.

  1. Evidence-based practice (EBP) – Yes, let’s start at the beginning with a recap of what EBP is and how to do it.
  2. Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) Principle – RNR helps justice practitioners individualize treatment in an evidence-based way.
  3. Criminogenic Needs – Brush up on the eight central categories of needs that research has found can cause criminal behavior.
  4. Risk and Needs Assessments (RNAs) – Check out this comprehensive FAQ with everything your team needs to know about RNAs.
  5. Interpreting Risk Scores – The risk assessment you use shouldn’t be a mystery. Make sure everyone on your team understands how the risk scores work.
  6. Risk Level vs. Supervision Level – These aren’t the same! Brush up on the common misconceptions of each one.
  7. Using Data Effectively – Evidence-based decision-making is central to EBP, and you can’t do it effectively unless you’re managing your data.
  8. The Recidivism Reduction Cycle – Start thinking bigger about recidivism reduction in your community.

Have questions? We’re here to help. Let’s talk about your current challenges, your agency’s goals, and what you envision for the future of your team. Our team members have been in your shoes, and we can help you problem-solve whatever comes your way. Give us a call today.