Rigorous Decisions


We build decision support into everything we do because it just makes sense. Our tools are used nationwide for evidence-based decision making, helping to remove biases by equipping justice professionals with the research and rationale they need for making informed, defensible decisions.


One of the ways we work to improve safety and reduce recidivism is by helping your agency integrate EBDM at key decision points like pretrial release, sentencing, and several other stages in the justice lifecycle. EBDM has three core phases: collecting relevant data, analyzing and interpreting the data, and formulating plans to act on it.

Put simply, we make your data actionable. We put your data to work for you, helping guide policy and informing your practice.

How we can help
Who we serve



Risk Needs Assessment

Northpointe Suite Risk Need Assessments is an automated decision support software module containing industry-leading risk and need assessment tools with integrated case planning. These assessments address the complex set of considerations that improve decision accuracy in custody while preparing for reentry and programming criteria based on underlying criminogenic needs.


JWorks Case and Workflow Manager

JWorks puts the power of managing court information in your hands – where it belongs. Equal parts case, matter, participant, financial, and event management, JWorks serves up the information you need, when and how you need it.


Case Management for Supervision

Northpointe Suite Case Manager is a person-based supervision case management solution that links person data together with individual assessment outcomes, treatment plans and long-term progress reports while offering critical functionality for Pre-Sentence Investigation report creation and a comprehensive Workload Manager to oversee supervision agency operations and caseload.


Problem-Solving Courts

The Northpointe Suite Problem-Solving Courts module manages all court participant processing and case/court activities. Created specifically for problem-solving courts with Risk Need Assessments and Phase Management built right in, this solution is applicable for all types of treatment-focused dockets – from small, single-user systems to statewide implementations. It includes programs management capability and data analytics, and easily interfaces with other management systems for an easy-to-use solution.


Classification Management

The Northpointe Suite Classification Management module houses the Inmate Decision Tree to help inform your critical decisions and mitigate the risk to your facility, staff and inmates. This nationally recognized tool provides critical inmate insights, helping you manage inmate behavior, misconducts and housing assignments. Maximize your jail’s efficiency with best-in-class classification management. Choose order over chaos with proven classification practices that improve daily operations and safety.


Custody Management

The Northpointe Suite Custody Management solution is not your typical ‘book and release’ jail management system. This best-in-class software incorporates three key pillars of success for any custody oriented agency: intake, facility and inmate management. Make your data work for you to drive defensible decisions, increase cost efficiency and reduce risk.